Thursday, September 18, 2008

Andrew Verster - Odd Conversations


An exhibition of veteran artist, Andrew Verster’s multi-disciplined work is on show at the KZNSA. On display are a number of paintings, collages and objects. They range from monumental paintings to small detailed studies. The first thing that hits you is the colourful and decorative nature of his work. It is beautiful and excellently produced and presented. The work may be decorative but it is by no means superficial.

Classical Graffiti l-Vll

Digital prints on canvas
Each 60 x 40cm

Vester employs a number of post modern techniques thus the works start to speak on more than one level. In Classical Graffiti series (2008) he appropriates imagery from art history such as Pharaoh and Greek Statues. However he superimposes his trademark designs on to the nudes or portraits. This practice can be viewed as subverting the traditional depiction of the male nudes. The depiction of the male nude has been viewed as a Eurocentric or Western view but the appropriation of different cultures such as Japanese prints or African iconography. Verster makes commentary of the hierarchy that exists in the high art context and to a greater extent he comments on the discourse of the other.

Classical Graffiti Vl
Digital print on canvas
60 x 40cm

It can be argued that his focus on aesthetics disqualifies him as a contemporary artist. One needs to ask himself if that is enough for such declassification. Verster’s work lends itself to a variety of readings and contemporary commentary. For example, his treatment of the figures is not traditional. In combining the nudes with different cultural aesthetics and iconography he not only speaks of an identity, but also the subverting of an aesthetic and stereotypes.

The work makes one question what he sees. He questions the way things are and becomes aware of the possibilities of varied viewpoints. That realisation in itself is post modern.

Sheryl N Msomi

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